Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about braces or orthodontic treatment? We have the answer! Check out this information about adult braces and braces for children. If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us and we will help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule an appointment for an initial exam?

Simply call our office (905) 820-2123 and we will be happy to schedule an appointment for you or your child at our Mississauga office. When you call to schedule your appointment, our front office staff will take some basic information from you.

Do I need a referral from my family dentist for an appointment with the orthodontist?

No, a referral from your dentist is not necessary for orthodontic treatment in Mississauga. Many of our patients are referred by their family dentist, but many patients call and schedule an appointment themselves.

What is the right age for orthodontic care?

The Canadian Association of Orthodontists and the American Association of Orthodontists recommend that every child receive an orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. We offer free orthodontic evaluations for young children.

What will happen at the initial examination appointment?

Dr. Bhalla will conduct a thorough orthodontic examination to evaluate your orthodontic needs and discuss his findings. Learn more about your first visit for orthodontic evaluation and treatment.

What will I learn from the initial examination?

There are five essential questions that we will cover during the initial orthodontic examination:

  1. Is there an orthodontic problem? If so, is orthodontic treatment required now or in the future?
  2. What must be done to correct the problem? Will you need braces, a retainer or other procedures?
  3. How long will the recommended treatment last?
  4. How much will treatment (e.g. braces) cost?
  5. Are you eligible for Invisalign?

How much will braces cost? Are payment options available? How does my insurance work?

It is impossible to give an exact cost for treatment until after a clinical evaluation. See our braces cost information page for more detail. Once the examination is complete we will discuss the cost and affordable payment options for your treatment. If you have insurance we will also provide you with an estimate form to submit to your dental insurance company.

Do braces hurt?

Some patients may experience sore teeth for a few days after an adjustment to their braces. If this is the case, over the counter pain relievers will ease the discomfort. We can also provide you with wax to cover any parts of your braces that irritate your mouth.

However, it is important to note that after most visits, patients do not feel any soreness. We often remind our patients, “It does not have to hurt to work!”

Do you give needles or injections?


Will I need to have teeth extracted for braces?

New technology has provided advanced orthodontic procedures, which means that removing teeth is not always necessary for braces or other orthodontic treatment. Straight teeth and a balanced facial profile are the goals of orthodontics.

How long will it take to complete treatment?

Appointments are scheduled according to each patient’s needs. Most patients in braces will be seen every 6 to 8 weeks. If there are specific situations that require more frequent monitoring, then we will schedule appointments accordingly. You also need to wear a retainer after braces are removed.

Are after school appointments available?

We cannot schedule all appointments for all children and teens during after-school hours. Appointments are normally rotated between mornings and afternoons in order to fairly distribute appointment times.

Appointments are scheduled for every 6 to 8 weeks, which means that most patients will miss minimal school time due to their orthodontic treatments. We will make a sincere effort to meet your scheduling needs.

Can I drop my child off for an appointment?

Yes. On some occasions, however, we may request to speak with a parent. We ask that parents check in with the front desk before dropping off their child.

Can the patient return to school the same day after receiving braces?

Yes. There is no reason why they cannot return to school the same day as their braces are installed.

Any restriction when playing sports?

No. However, we strongly recommend a mouth guard for all sports, whether or not you have braces.

Do I need to see my family dentist while in braces?

Yes! It is important to continue with regular check-ups and dental cleanings with your family dentist while in orthodontic treatment and braces. Your family dentist will determine the intervals between cleaning appointments while you are in braces.

Are there foods I cannot eat while I have braces?

Yes. When we give instructions about caring for your braces, we will review a complete list of foods that have to be avoided when you or your child has braces. Just remember: nothing hard (like hard candy), crunchy (like chips or crackers) or sticky (like caramel or gum) while you are in braces. These are foods that can break or damage your braces when biting or chewing. If braces become broken or damaged, it will extend your treatment time.

How often should I brush and floss my teeth while in braces?

Patients should brush their teeth after each meal and before going to bed. As well, a patient in braces must floss their teeth once a day. We will review with each patient how to floss and brush his or her teeth with braces. We also highly recommend the use of a water flosser, such as a Waterpik®, as well as fluoride mouth rinse in your daily routine to ensure proper oral hygiene while you have braces.

What is an emergency appointment? How are those handled?

If your braces are causing significant discomfort or if something breaks or is loose, you should immediately call our office. If you require an emergency appointment, we will set aside time for you to make you comfortable or fix the problem as soon as possible.

Can orthodontic correction occur while a child has baby teeth?

Yes. Some orthodontic problems are significant enough to require early intervention with early treatment, known as “Phase One” treatment. That is why it is recommended that every child receive an orthodontic exam at the age of seven. This can make later-stage “Phase Two” treatment, after all adult teeth have come in, less complex.

However, if a patient is not yet ready for treatment — which is true for most children — we will follow that patient’s growth and development until the time is right for orthodontic treatment to begin.

Will my child need full braces if he/she has Phase One treatment?

Each patient is unique, so it is not possible to say with certainty if your child will need braces after Phase One treatment. However, braces for children in Phase Two is common. We will continue to monitor your child’s growth and reassess treatment as required.

Will my child need full braces if he/she has Phase One treatment?

Each patient is unique, so it is not possible to say with certainty if your child will need braces after Phase One treatment. However, braces for children in Phase Two is common. We will continue to monitor your child’s growth and reassess treatment as required.

Will my child need an expander?

At the completion of the initial examination, Dr. Bhalla will determine what type of treatment will be required for your child.

Is it too late to have braces if I am already an adult?

It is never too late for braces. Adult braces are common and we say we treat patients from 7 to 70. Health, happiness and self-esteem are vitally important to adults. A healthy smile is certainly part of that.

Can I wear braces even though I have crowns and missing teeth?

Yes. A tooth with a crown will move just like a tooth with a simple filling. When teeth are missing, orthodontic treatment will aid in the alignment of the remaining teeth.

Should I get implants for my missing teeth before or after the orthodontic treatment?

You must get orthodontic treatment before getting implants.

Why should you choose an orthodontic specialist?

An orthodontist is a dental specialist that has completed four years of dental school, but has also completed an additional two to three-year residency program of advanced education in orthodontics. An orthodontist has learned specialized skills that are required to treat misalignment of the teeth and facial development and jaw development with braces, retainers, Invisalign® clear aligners, headgear, orthognathic surgery (corrective jaw surgery) and other methods.

What is Invisalign® and how is it different from traditional braces?

Invisalign® clear aligners are just that, clear plastic forms that go over your teeth and, by their shape, gently move your teeth toward the desired location. Every few weeks during treatment, you will receive a new set of Invisalign clear aligners that have a slightly modified shape that move your teeth further toward their desired location.

New Smile. New Confidence. New You.

No Referral Necessary. Book Your Free Consultation

We will make every effort to work with you to schedule appointments that accommodate your busy schedule. We look forward to welcoming you to our orthodontic practice. Let us show you how we can help to create your new great smile.

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